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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


The document needs to be prepared in English language. The manuscript needs to be documented, maintaining double-spacing between lines along with a large margin. All the pages of the document needs to be numbered in a sequence, including those containing figures, tabular columns, acknowledgements, references, etc. The documents containing the manuscript should be a Word file or PDF file. All figures and tables related to the manuscript need to be attached in the same file.

Terms of Submission

Submission of a manuscript to the Life Conflux journal directly implies that all the authors have read and agreed to the journal’s guidelines. The content present in the manuscript after publication will be freely available to all the potential readers over the Internet for noncommercial use. The content provided by the authors in the manuscript should at no point of time breach the Copyrights or rights of a third party. The manuscript submitted should not be published or submitted for consideration in any other journal.

Peer-Review Process

The journal follows rigorous double-blind peer-review process. This is done with the aim to minimize the possibility of a biased opinion when the reviewers know who the authors are and from where they come from, ensuring a responsible and ethical environment.

Article Types

  • Research Articles
  • Review Articles
  • Case Reports
  • Clinical Images
  • Short Communications
  • Special Issue Articles
  • Editorials

Research Articles: The submitted research article should contain no more than 3000–5000 words. There is no defined limit on the number of pages, images, and tabular columns.

Review Articles: The word count for a review article is 2500–4000 words, with no limitation on the number of pages, tables, and images being used.

Case Reports: The maximum word count for a case report is 1000–2000 words. Having no limit on the number of pages, figures, and references.

Clinical Images: While submitting clinical images, a maximum of 5 images needs to be used along with a word limit of 150 words.

Short Communications: Should specify the research study in focus and specify the author’s opinion using a maximum of 1200–1500 words.

Special Issue Articles: A special issue publication is a group 10–15 articles on a specific theme, and a special issue article should contain a maximum of 3000–5000 words, with no limit on the number of references, pages, and images being used.

Editorials: A maximum of 500–1000 words, with no specification on the number of pages, references, and images used

All the manuscripts that are submitted to Remedy Open Access journal need to be submitted in the following format:

  • Cover letter
  • Title Page
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Materials and Methods
  • Results and Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgements
  • References

Cover letter

  • Along with the manuscript, a mandatory cover letter needs to be submitted.
  • Declaration of any potential conflict of interest.
  • A consent confirming the approval by all the co-authors to submit the manuscript.
  • Confirmation that the content of the manuscript has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
  • Consent confirming that the manuscript has not been published or is under consideration for publication with any other journal.
  • If the manuscript is being submitted as part of a special issue, then the special issue title needs to be mentioned in the cover letter along with the manuscript title.


An abstract must have a short and precise title that describes the nature of the investigation. An abstract of 200–250 words needs to be prepared, giving a brief outline of the work that has been carried out.

Title and Authorship Information

The following information should be included:

  • Title of the paper
  • Author complete names
  • Complete mailing address of the institution
  • Email addresses


A brief introduction to the topic needs to be given, specifying the highlights of the study.

Materials and Methods

By submitting your manuscript to the journal, you give your consent for the materials described in the manuscript, which would include the complete data that will be freely available to researchers and scientists who intend to use it for non-commercial purpose, without violating participant’s confidentiality.

Results and Discussion

In this section, the authors can bring out their key experimental results, including any statistical analysis and whether the results of their study are significant.


In this section, the author is free to mention the individuals or contributors who have directly or indirectly provided any technical assistance to the original work and would not be considered to meet the criteria for authorship. The authors must seek the consent of the individual or contributors, whom they would like to mention in this section as a matter of courtesy.


Vancouver System of referencing. A unique Arabic number is assigned to every citation mentioned in the manuscript. The numbers are assigned in a sequential order. The same reference numbered has to be mentioned when the citation is repeated. The numbering can be shown in brackets or as superscript without brackets.

Reference numbering: All the references that are being used are numbered in the order they are first mentioned. The reference numbers for tables and legends have to be used along with the parenthesis. In the event of reuse of the earlier reference, the same reference number needs to be used.

Format for References:

The authors’ surname must be followed by their initials, the abbreviation et al is used after the first six authors names; followed by the title of the paper; then the title of the journal (abbreviated according to the style in the indexing platform []), if the journal is not indexed, the full title of the journal needs to be mentioned; year in which it was published; volume number; first and last page numbers. Punctuations need to be carefully and correctly used.

Examples of References

For journal articles:

Chen Z, Makgasa M. Colo-Ostium Fistula Caused by Colonic Foreign Body. Clin Surg. 2021;6(1):3216-20.

Article with more than 6 authors:

Brian H1*#, Christina CB1#, Michael C2, Mark CS1, Casey M3, Mani D3, et al. ECMO Cannulation Criteria in COVID-19 (ECC-VID) and Obesity: A Literature Review and Retrospective Cohort Analysis. Clin Surg. 2021;6(5):3197-205.

For books:

Tiff AK, editor. Induced gene mutation as a result of hypertension: clinical study. Denver: Appleton-centinary-Crofts; 1818.

For References from chapters in books:

Richard MV, Stephenie A. Outbreak of H1N1 virus. In: Geoffrey M, editor. Spread of epidemics. 2nd ed. California: SJ Brooks; 2001. p. 134-137.

For electronic media:

Parker WJ, Gene expression under thermal stress. Genomical Online Journal. 2011 [cited 2011 Sep 27]. Available from:

Tables: The tables that are being used in the manuscript need to be numbered accordingly. Table title needs to be stated for all the tables that are being used. A heading need to be mentioned for each column. Mention the reference source if the data is taken from another source. The content and explanation about the table need to be mentioned in the note below and not in the heading.

Personal communication: Refrain for the usage of any personal information. Avoid mentioning Email addresses and contact information, class notes, information from interviews, class handouts, since these cannot be retrieved by others. However, the name of the person and the date of communication can be mentioned in parentheses.

Web and Media: Information obtained over the Internet in due course of time may be deleted or changed, so it is always advisable to keep a hard copy of the information and a track of the source from where it has been extracted.

Preparation of Figures

  • TIFF (recommended for images)
  • JPEG (recommended for photographic images, less suitable for graphical images)
  • The resolution of the Image should be approximately 300 dpi (dots per inch)


An Email along with the link directing to the proof in PDF format, which can be freely downloaded, would be sent to the corresponding author. Once the PDF is downloaded, the corrections need to be sent back to the concerned managing editor within 3 days. An Email notification needs to be sent if the article correction process would be delayed. Authors facing a challenge to make any corrections to the electronic copy may consider taking a printout and making the changes on the hard copy.

Allergy and Respiratory Research

Allergy and respiratory research in cellular biology focuses on understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie allergic responses and respiratory diseases. This interdisciplinary field integrates immunology, cell biology, and pulmonary physiology to explore the complex interactions between environmental factors, immune cells, and lung tissue.

Researchers in this area investigate a wide range of conditions, including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cystic fibrosis, and various forms of allergies such as hay fever and food allergies. They study how allergens trigger immune responses, the role of inflammatory mediators, and the involvement of specific cell types like mast cells, eosinophils, and T-helper cells in the pathogenesis of these diseases.

Advances in allergy and respiratory research have led to significant improvements in diagnostics, treatments, and prevention strategies. Innovations include the development of biologics targeting specific cytokines or antibodies involved in allergic reactions, personalized medicine approaches based on genetic profiling, and advanced imaging techniques for monitoring lung function and structure. Moreover, there is growing interest in exploring the gut-lung axis and the impact of microbiota on respiratory health.

Cellular biology plays a critical role in guiding the discovery of new therapeutic targets and interventions. By investigating the signaling pathways and cellular processes involved in inflammation and immune regulation, researchers can identify potential drugs or therapies that could modulate these responses. Understanding these mechanisms also aids in predicting patient responses to different treatments and developing tailored therapies.

In conclusion, the Allergy and Respiratory Research in Cellular Biology section of our journal aims to highlight cutting-edge research findings and promote collaboration among immunologists, pulmonologists, biologists, and clinicians. We emphasize studies that advance our understanding of the cellular and molecular bases of allergic and respiratory diseases and apply this knowledge to develop innovative diagnostics and therapies.

Bioinformatics Research

Bioinformatics research in cellular biology integrates computational and statistical techniques to analyze and interpret complex biological data at the cellular level. This interdisciplinary field bridges computer science with molecular and cell biology, providing tools for understanding cellular processes and functions.

Researchers apply bioinformatics methods to study gene expression, protein-protein interactions, metabolic pathways, and signaling networks. Advanced algorithms and machine learning models are used to predict cellular behavior, identify disease biomarkers, and understand genetic variations that contribute to phenotypic diversity.

Advances in high-throughput technologies such as next-generation sequencing (NGS) have generated vast amounts of genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, and metabolomic data. Bioinformatics plays a critical role in managing and analyzing this 'big data', enabling researchers to uncover novel insights into cellular mechanisms and develop personalized medicine approaches.

Cellular biology benefits greatly from bioinformatics through the construction of detailed cellular maps and models. By integrating multi-omics data, researchers can simulate cellular responses to environmental changes, drugs, or genetic modifications. This leads to better strategies for therapeutic interventions and drug discovery.

In conclusion, the Bioinformatics Research in Cellular Biology section of our journal aims to present leading-edge research findings and promote collaboration among computational biologists, cell biologists, and clinicians. We focus on the development and application of computational tools that enhance our understanding of cellular systems and contribute to biomedical advances.

Cancer Research

Cancer research in cellular biology is a vibrant and expanding field that delves into the fundamental mechanisms of cancer at the cellular level. By understanding how cancer cells form, grow, and spread, researchers are developing new therapies and treatment strategies to combat this devastating disease.

The focus of cellular biology in cancer research is on the intricate processes that govern cell division, DNA repair, cell signaling, and cell death. Aberrations in these processes can lead to the uncontrolled growth and spread of cancer cells. By studying these mechanisms, scientists are uncovering new targets for therapeutic intervention.

Advanced technologies, such as CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing, single-cell sequencing, and high-throughput screening, are revolutionizing cancer research in cellular biology. These tools enable researchers to manipulate genes, analyze individual cells, and identify potential drug candidates with unprecedented precision.

Collaboration among cellular biologists, oncologists, geneticists, and bioinformaticians is essential for advancing cancer research in cellular biology. This multidisciplinary approach fosters innovation and accelerates the translation of basic research findings into clinical applications. For example, by combining cellular biology insights with clinical data, researchers are developing personalized medicine approaches that tailor treatments to individual patients.

In conclusion, the Cancer Research in Cellular Biology section of our journal aims to showcase cutting-edge research and facilitate academic exchange in this exciting field. Here, we document the latest discoveries and advancements in understanding the cellular mechanisms of cancer. We believe that through continued support and engagement with this research community, we can make significant contributions to improving cancer outcomes and patient care.

Cardiovascular Research

Cardiovascular research in cellular biology is a pivotal area that delves into the fundamental mechanisms underlying heart and vascular function at the cellular level. This field plays a crucial role in understanding the cellular and molecular basis of cardiovascular diseases, paving the way for novel therapeutic strategies and diagnostic approaches.

Research in cellular biology has uncovered intricate signaling pathways, genetic mutations, and cellular processes that contribute to the development and progression of cardiovascular diseases. By elucidating these mechanisms, scientists can identify new targets for drug development and design more effective treatment strategies tailored to individual patients.

Advances in cellular technologies, such as CRISPR gene editing, stem cell therapy, and high-throughput screening, are revolutionizing cardiovascular research. These tools enable researchers to manipulate genes, study cellular differentiation, and identify potential therapeutic compounds more efficiently. This, in turn, accelerates the translation of basic research findings into clinical applications.

The intersection of cellular biology with other disciplines, such as bioinformatics, biophysics, and systems biology, is fostering a deeper understanding of cardiovascular physiology and pathology. Collaborative efforts among researchers from diverse fields are driving innovation and leading to the discovery of new insights into the complex mechanisms governing heart and vascular health.

In conclusion, the Cardiovascular Research in Cellular Biology section of our journal aims to be a leading platform for presenting cutting-edge research and facilitating academic exchange in this vital area. We strive to highlight the relentless pursuit of knowledge by scientists and celebrate the milestones they achieve in unraveling the cellular and molecular basis of cardiovascular diseases. Through continuous support and engagement with this field, we aspire to make significant contributions to improving human health.

Clinical and Public Health Research

Public health research in biological sciences integrates epidemiology, genetics, microbiology, and environmental health to understand the factors that influence population health and disease prevention. This interdisciplinary field seeks to uncover the biological mechanisms underlying health disparities and develop strategies for improving public health outcomes.

Researchers in this area investigate a broad spectrum of topics, from infectious diseases and chronic conditions to the impact of environmental exposures on human health. Studies often involve large-scale data analysis, biomonitoring, and molecular epidemiology to identify risk factors and protective elements within populations. Public health researchers also explore how genetic variability influences susceptibility to disease and response to treatments.

Advances in public health research have led to significant improvements in vaccination programs, infection control measures, and health policy development. Innovations in diagnostics, such as rapid testing technologies and personalized medicine approaches, have enhanced our ability to detect and manage diseases early. Moreover, the integration of genomics into public health practices is opening new avenues for targeted interventions and preventive strategies.

Biological sciences play an essential role in guiding the formulation of public health policies and guidelines. By understanding the molecular and cellular bases of diseases, researchers can provide evidence-based recommendations for interventions that reduce morbidity and mortality. This knowledge is critical for addressing global health challenges, including emerging infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance, and non-communicable diseases.

In conclusion, the Public Health Research in Biological Sciences section of our journal aims to highlight pioneering research findings and promote collaboration among epidemiologists, biologists, clinicians, and policymakers. We focus on studies that enhance our understanding of the biological determinants of health and apply this knowledge to improve public health interventions and policies.

Diagnostics and Therapeutics Research

This section focuses on the core principles of cellular biology and their relevance to disease mechanisms. It covers the regulation of cellular pathways, interactions between various biomolecules, and the identification of molecular markers that underpin pathological processes. By integrating these fundamental insights, researchers can develop more accurate diagnostic assays and discover promising therapeutic targets.

Recent advances in high-throughput technologies—such as single-cell sequencing, multi-omics analyses, and CRISPR-based gene editing—have revolutionized our ability to detect and characterize disease at the cellular level. These innovations enable precision diagnosis, improve patient stratification, and pave the way for targeted therapies. Coupling these cutting-edge techniques with robust data analytics further refines our understanding of cellular mechanisms and accelerates clinical translation.

Looking ahead, continued exploration of cell-to-cell variability and integrative analysis of molecular data are poised to transform diagnostics and therapeutics. Efforts to personalize treatments based on a patient’s unique cellular and genetic profile will expand, driven by advances in predictive modeling and artificial intelligence. Additionally, increased collaboration between clinicians, researchers, and industry partners will foster next-generation diagnostic platforms and novel therapeutics.

Potential Submission Topics
  1. Novel biomarkers and molecular signatures for early disease detection
  2. Single-cell and multi-omics approaches in diagnostics and treatment planning
  3. CRISPR and gene-editing techniques for therapeutic intervention
  4. AI-driven analytics and predictive modeling for personalized medicine
  5. Translational research linking cellular biology findings to clinical applications
  6. Innovative assays, lab-on-a-chip platforms, and point-of-care diagnostic tools

Functional Molecules Research

Functional molecules play pivotal roles in cellular biology, mediating a myriad of processes essential for life. Research into these molecules, including their structure, function, and interactions, has become a cornerstone of modern biology due to their implications in understanding cellular mechanisms and developing novel therapies for various diseases.

The study of functional molecules in cellular biology encompasses a wide range of topics, from signaling molecules that transmit information within and between cells, to enzymes that catalyze biochemical reactions, and structural molecules that maintain cellular integrity. These molecules often work in concert within complex regulatory networks, making their study both challenging and fascinating.

Advances in technology, such as cryo-electron microscopy, mass spectrometry, and gene editing tools like CRISPR/Cas9, have revolutionized our ability to investigate functional molecules at the molecular and atomic levels. These techniques have enabled researchers to gain unprecedented insights into the structure and function of these molecules, paving the way for the development of new therapeutic strategies.

Functional molecules research also intersects with many other areas of biology and medicine, including genetics, biochemistry, and pharmacology. Collaboration among experts from these diverse fields has led to groundbreaking discoveries and the development of new technologies that have transformed our understanding of cellular biology. For example, the elucidation of the roles of specific functional molecules in disease pathways has informed the design of targeted therapies that are more effective and have fewer side effects.

In conclusion, the Functional Molecules Research in Cellular Biology section of our journal aims to be a leading platform for showcasing cutting-edge research and facilitating academic exchange in this dynamic field. We are committed to documenting the relentless pursuit of knowledge by scientists and celebrating the milestones they achieve in unraveling the complexities of functional molecules in cellular biology. Through continuous support and engagement with this field, we believe we can make significant contributions to improving human health.

Immunology Research

This section focuses on cutting-edge immunological studies with a strong emphasis on cellular biology. It explores the intricate cellular and molecular mechanisms that drive immune responses in health and disease. Topics include, but are not limited to, the role of immune cells in various pathological conditions, signaling pathways in immune regulation, cell-cell interactions within the immune system, and the development of novel immunotherapeutic strategies.

Submissions may cover a wide array of topics such as:

  • Advances in the understanding of T-cell, B-cell, and macrophage biology
  • The role of immune cells in tissue homeostasis, repair, and inflammation
  • Cellular dynamics in transplant immunology, graft rejection and immune tolerance
  • The interplay between immune cells and the tumor microenvironment
  • The application of single-cell multi-omics technologies in unraveling immune heterogeneity

We encourage studies employing innovative methodologies, including single-cell analysis, spatiotemporal omics and advanced imaging, to deepen the understanding of immune cell biology. The section aims to provide a platform for high-quality, original research and comprehensive reviews that contribute to advancing the field of cellular immunology.

Submissions should highlight the relevance of their findings to the broader immunology and cellular biology communities, offering translational potential for therapeutic applications.

Integrated Multi-omics Research

Integrated multi-omics research in cellular biology combines data from genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and other omics layers to provide a comprehensive view of cellular processes. This approach enables researchers to understand the complex interplay between genetic information, gene expression, protein activity, and metabolic pathways within cells.

Researchers use advanced computational methods and statistical models to integrate multi-omics datasets. By doing so, they can uncover regulatory networks, identify key drivers of cellular behavior, and predict outcomes under different conditions or perturbations. This integrative approach facilitates the discovery of biomarkers for disease diagnosis and treatment.

Advances in high-throughput sequencing and analytical technologies have made it possible to generate vast amounts of omics data. Integrated multi-omics studies are essential for translating this data into meaningful biological insights. They help elucidate mechanisms underlying cellular responses to environmental changes, diseases, and therapeutic interventions.

Cellular biology benefits significantly from integrated multi-omics research by allowing for a systems-level understanding of cell function. Researchers can build predictive models that simulate cellular behavior, which is crucial for developing personalized medicine approaches and drug discovery. The integration of multi-omics data also aids in validating hypotheses generated from single-layer omics studies.

In conclusion, the Integrated Multi-omics Research in Cellular Biology section of our journal aims to highlight cutting-edge research findings and foster collaboration among bioinformaticians, cell biologists, and clinicians. We emphasize studies that leverage the power of multi-omics integration to deepen our understanding of cellular systems and advance biomedical research.

Signaling and Signal Transduction Research

Signaling and signal transduction research in cellular biology is a cornerstone field that explores the intricate mechanisms by which cells communicate and respond to external and internal stimuli. This area of study is vital for understanding how cells regulate their functions and adapt to changing environments.

Research in this field has revealed complex signaling pathways and molecular interactions that underpin cellular processes such as growth, differentiation, and metabolism. By deciphering these signaling networks, scientists can gain insights into the mechanisms of disease and develop novel therapeutic strategies.

Advances in technologies such as high-throughput screening, gene editing, and imaging have revolutionized signaling and signal transduction research. These tools enable researchers to probe the functions of signaling molecules, map out signaling pathways, and visualize the dynamic interactions within cells.

The integration of cellular biology with other disciplines, such as biochemistry, genetics, and bioinformatics, has enhanced our understanding of signaling and signal transduction. Collaborative efforts across these fields have led to the discovery of new signaling molecules, the elucidation of signaling pathways, and the development of innovative therapeutic approaches.

In conclusion, the Signaling and Signal Transduction Research in Cellular Biology section of our journal aims to showcase the latest research findings and foster academic exchange in this exciting field. We are committed to highlighting the groundbreaking work of scientists and promoting the advancement of knowledge in signaling and signal transduction.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.